Christmas is Coming
Join us for a festive evening with an interview/talk and gifts to make and buy. Entrance £5, which will include drinks and canapes.
Join us for a festive evening with an interview/talk and gifts to make and buy. Entrance £5, which will include drinks and canapes.
Part of our Autumn series in Matthew's gospel. The speaker is William Taylor, rector of St Helen's. Lunch is available.
Central Focus is our Bible study for people who have previously been part of RML. It is particularly aimed at people who go to the Sunday 10.30am meeting. It is also an excellent place to start if you arrive at St Helen's later in life or have children. One distinctive feature of Central Focus is studying different books of the Bible each year.
If you are thinking of settling at the 4pm Sunday meeting, we welcome you to join us as we study Luke’s eye-witness account of Jesus’ life.
If you are new to London we recommend that you come along to study Mark’s eye-witness account of Jesus’ life. We have groups for students and workers. RML Mark particularly suits people joining our 6pm Sunday meeting.
A six-week course, focusing on the real Jesus: who he is and what he achieved in his life, death, why this matters and what it means to be a Christian today. There is no charge for the course and you can ask any question you like. Every week we gather together for dinner, a short talk on a different aspect of Christianity, with discussion and questions afterwards.
If you have recently arrived from overseas, International Growth Groups (IGG) could be for you. IGG is designed for students and workers who are in London just for a few years. We have groups in English, Mandarin and Japanese.
Matthew 16:13-20 - part of our Autumn series in Matthew's gospel. The speaker is William Taylor. Lunch is available during the talk, which is followed by Q&As.
Matthew 16:13-20 - part of our Autumn series in Matthew's gospel. The speaker is William Taylor. Lunch is available during the talk, which is followed by Q&As.
Central Focus is our Bible study for people who have previously been part of RML. It is particularly aimed at people who go to the Sunday 10.30am meeting. It is also an excellent place to start if you arrive at St Helen's later in life or have children. One distinctive feature of Central Focus is studying different books of the Bible each year.
Our weekly group for babies, pre-school toddlers and their parents and carers, meeting in St Andrews. Toys, songs and a story from the Bible.
Our most diverse congregation. Here you will find people of all ages and from many different backgrounds, from grandchildren to grandparents, with creche facilities and Sunday School groups for children aged 0 - 14.