St Helen's is a diverse church family, so our small groups are a really important part of our life together. Whether you're here to study or work, you would be welcome to join in any of our small group Bible study evenings. Consider joining one of our International Growth Groups, where we have groups in English and Mandarin. Find out more about our Bible study groups.
Our Sunday 2pm meeting includes Mandarin speakers of many nationalities, ages and stages in life. Like the rest of the church family, we are all about the one thing that matters—knowing Jesus and making him known. We also run a number of Bible studies and other events in Mandarin.
福音之家是伦敦St Helen’s教会的普通话聚会。我们的成员来自不同民族、不同国家、不同年龄阶段,但是共同的语言把我们联合起来。和整个St Helen’s大家庭一样,我们渴望更加认识耶稣并且让更多人认识他。我们除了周日聚会以外还有周三的查经小组以及许多其他活动。
St Helen’s has a group of Italians (and Italian speakers) who meet once a month for a meal and to study the Bible together. If you speak Italian, and want to explore what the Bible says, this group is for you.
Vorresti studiare la Bibbia in italiano? Abbiamo un gruppo di italiani (e italofoni) che ha a cuore la buona notizia di Gesù Cristo e che desidera farlo conoscere ad altri. Ci incontriamo una volta al mese per cenare e studiare la Bibbia insieme. Magari non hai mai avuto l'occasione di leggerla. Perché non provarci mentre sei a Londra?